Our Community Partners

— Central Indiana Community Foundation
Central Indiana Community Foundation is a catalyst for progress, and a supporter of visionary ideas with the power to improve our community and the lives of its residents. See how CICF works: Watch our video to learn what a community foundation is, how it works and why it matters.

— Firefly Children and Family Alliance
Empowering Hoosiers through a wide range of support programs and resources designed to give parents and children everything they need to live successfully.

— W Systems

— Lushin Foundation
Lushin strives to be an example of a small business making a notable impact in the community through charitable giving.

— Indy Reads
Our mission is to build the literacy, English language, and job readiness skills to empower adults and families to reach their full potential. We're working to make this dream a reality by providing free literacy, English language, and workforce readiness programs to adults through our innovative Community Classrooms at sites around Marion County.

— Horizon Central Cityway Church
Horizon Central Church is a church with a to Christ – in Christ – for Christ vision for each individual member, which is
Leading others to Christ, as we see in John 1:40-42
Growing in Christ, as we see in 2 Peter 3:18
Being sent for Christ, as we see in Acts 1:8

— Persimmon Herb School
Connecting people and plants. Empowering community care through holistic traditions.

— People Makers Indy
People Makers Indy is committed to being advocates for the community.

— K.I.D.S. Inc.
K.I.D.S. Inc. exists to cultivate life-changing relationships that show the love of Jesus and multiply believers to glorify God. We provide people and programs to meet students' immediate physical, social, emotional and educational needs with the ultimate goal of Christ-redeemed lives.

— Canal Squad Indy
We are an evolving community with a mission to help Indy get OUT, MOVE, & COLLAB!

— Mind, Body & Spirit
We are a certified charter school of the United States Chung Do Kwan Association, that was founded on the Scripture Matthew 5:9 - "Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called the Children of God". Through the discipline of Martial Arts we Sharpen the Mind, Train the Body, and Strengthen the Spirit of each student to help them grow in their walk as a whole person.

— Set 3 Productions
Broadcasting & media production company.