Expression provides a way for our youth participants to speak their minds and share their most inner thoughts.
Each week the participants will be separated into two groups to share their triumphs and challenges. Also, during these sessions, topics that are chosen by the participants are discussed. Mental Health professionals will be present at some meetings to listen and to even guide the participants. Along with discussions, students will be keeping a journal, which they are encouraged to write in every day. Once getting to know each other, the students will be able to share some of their experiences from their journals. W.A.Y.S. desire is for each participant group to learn to trust each other first before they begin sharing their personal lives and thoughts and then ultimately the participant is able to share these thoughts with their parents.
Expression is one of the mandatory programs for W.A.Y.S. These sessions are a vital part of how W.A.Y.S. helps in the overall development of each participant. Incentives will be given to participants when they turn in positive notes from school, report cards, and examination scores, as well as keep an active journal, etc.… These incentive points can be cashed in each quarter to earn prizes. Expression will help us to gather data to ascertain whether or not benchmarks are being met and if the program is working.